For a not so religious person like me, it's weird to consider myself a devotee of Sto.Niño. Maybe it's the Cebuano in me or the past memory of wearing a necklace in his image when I was still a child, either way it doesn't change the fact that I have this unwavering faith in him. Though unlike others, I just don't have that showy streak. Like what my sister reasoned to our Mom when she called her attention for not singing out loud in the mass, "what happens between God and me is just between us, I don't need to justify myself to others." Oh diba?! bongga si sister! and mind you were still highschool back then, but she always has that quite wisdom in her, unbelievably!
So this year, I decided to be a bit more showy of my devotion. From this year onwards I'll make sure to complete all 9 novena masses. I'm writing it here as a public reminder to myself.
Also in commemoration of my new found tradition, I challenged myself to post one significant picture on each day of the novena mass. Yesterday was the beginning, excuse the lateness, but what's important is that I still get to do my self imposed challenge.
Day 1
tradition begins
I know was only supposed to post 1 picture, but this is an exemption. I just have to mention this lady in red who was nice enough to share her umbrella with us strangers (my sister and I), so we'd be sheltered from the pouring rain. God bless this woman.