Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Life. Death. and In between.

I've often wondered what it means to be dead. But as i continue to ponder upon it, it made me more realize what it means to live.
Watching the coverage of Cory Aquino's death on TV struck a cord in me. Death is not such a dreadful thing - if you've lived a full good life. Indeed, a well lived life is what she had, and the thousands of mourners is the testament to that.
I would also often wonder what my own death would be like. Where the ceremony would take place, who would come to my funeral and how would the life I've lived be remembered? These are some of the thought provoking questions that pops into my head every now and then. It's silly but I'm curious.
I think that no matter how big or small the part we play in our society, how we live our lives will always be witnessed, and we need these witnesses to know that there is something and someone we live for, and that there is a purpose that is meant to be accomplished and meant to be seen. We may be unaware of it but every day we make an impact on the lives of the people around us and vice versa. No matter how big or small, good or bad, what we do is the impact that is to be remembered, for a moment or for a lifetime, and there lies the choice of how to live our lives.
So if I were to die now, I wouldn't have any expectation to what it would be like and who would be there (but maybe it would be cool to keep an attendane sheet in the third dimension, and decide what to do with those who are absent later on. hehe). I know that I've had my fair share of good and bad, but to whether or not I've lived life to fullest? Not. And will I be remembered? probably in the few days and then not.
I believe we're born to make a mark on this world. I may not be a grand personality to expect much, but knowing that I'm a part of a society and that my life is being witnessed, I only wish to be remembered to say the least.
Life to Death, it is all about being witnessed.

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