The last leg of the our Singaporean journey. Departed from Kuala Lumpur @ 6ish am, arrived in Singapore at 7ish am. Slept for a couple of hours then off we went to our last hurrah!..

Getting to the park is quite a long journey, well actually not really, more like 30/45mins rail ride, but considering how fast those LRT goes, it's really far. And if you get to get hold of a map you'd know that Jurong is already towards the eastern border of Singapore and Malaysia.
Well Jurong Bird Park is full of birds. obviously! haha. Seriously, birds are swarming in this tourist destination. The great thing about it though is that the birds are free to fly everywhere. The flamingos, parrots and other odd-looking-colorful-but-definitely-BIRDs are free to roam around. Some of them are caged though, but most of them are quite comfortable crossing the streets and flying over the heads of the visiting tourists. Kids would surely love it there, it's a very wholesome educational environment intended for the family to enjoy.
Well Jurong Bird Park is full of birds. obviously! haha. Seriously, birds are swarming in this tourist destination. The great thing about it though is that the birds are free to fly everywhere. The flamingos, parrots and other odd-looking-colorful-but-definitely-BIRDs are free to roam around. Some of them are caged though, but most of them are quite comfortable crossing the streets and flying over the heads of the visiting tourists. Kids would surely love it there, it's a very wholesome educational environment intended for the family to enjoy.
Aside from that...

Jurong Bird Park has also the most unbelievable picture perfect sites. You can even take a shower in their, if i had it right, tallest man made African waterfalls, kidding on the shower part. hehe. The park is quite a big place that it takes a whole lot of effort to drag your extra fats around the whole area. But overall the park is really worth the long journey. Oh and before I forget they also have real penguins, unfortunately they're not just allowed to roam around with us. tsk.
Last hours...
We left the park at around 5ish pm, toured the Jurong mall a bit before heading to the opposite end of Singapore - Tampines, which by the way is pronounced as TAM-PEE-NES (so take my word if I tell you don't be slang, coz the chinese won't understand you no matter how perfect the words may sound).
Headed to the TAM-PEE-NES mall right away for some Japanese Tori-Q dinner, which if I may add is sooooooo gooooood. It's kinda like a food stall located in the center of the mall's food court and serves mainly japanese bbq that is oh soooo saucy, that when it drips to your japenese rice it just makes it so perfect, hay i fell in love with that. Anyway, too much of that food, we hanged around their coffee shop near the station before heading back to steph's place for our last night sleep at Merlion City.
Haaaay... I miss the LRTs and MRTs at Singapore. My sister and I already even proclaimed ourselves to be experts at navigating around the stations. I know it's silly but it's very easy to get the hang of it coz their directions and signages are so BOLD and many that it's bordering on spoon feeding. Singapore is, all in all, a very nice tourist destination, no make it a country in general. It can be too perfect that it's almost imperfect, especially for an imperfect person like me who has gotten used to all the chaos and opposite things that my country has offered. But hey no matter what my

* * *
Over all my first international trip was worth a million pages of scrapbook. So many things I learned, so many stories to share. What I loved most about it is how my sister and I just allowed ourselves to get lost in these foreign countries. We didn't always have a specific destination in my mind but getting to that nowhere is always the exciting part. I loved everything about it. I even loved how we had to scrimp on our budget coz it made us experience their real culture. I love backpacking, I love travelling, I don't know when the next one would be or if there is even a next one. But one thing's for sure, I'm gonna make it happen because I want to make it happen, by hook or by crook

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