I almost forgot this pic...
This was taken at Fully Booked sometime February a year or 2 ago. I know that picture taking isn't allowed inside the store but I'm a klepto so "picture stealing" is my thing, sssshhhh. But if my memory serves me right, my sister and I got caught, but we didn't throw much fuzz about it coz i got my desired shot, shamelessly that up there is my "desired" shot. I know I know... but whatever! ..Enough of the "desired" shot instead let's delve into the essentials behind it. If there's one thing my circle knows about me it's my lust to wander. If I could be anything in this world I'd like to be a nonstop traveler(... or to put it in a single word.. nomad...) Worrying about where to go to next the moment I wake up would be dream come true, for it would mean that I am (literally) moving towards hmmm... somewhere. Although in my own micro-tiny-puny-little way, I consider myself a traveler.
The extent of my definition in the word traveler, lies not on the many (as if) places I've been to, but on the number of places stamped RESEARCHED in my list ! So to cut it short, Yes! I am a traveler... in the virtual world.
It's pathetic I know. But in some weird way I find satisfaction in researching this and that island... how to get to Greece... where to go to in Thailand...or what to expect in Prague and etc. etc. and eventually hurt myself when I get to the HOW MUCH part. It sucks being poor, but it sucks more to be poor and covetous of the worldy things. note to self --> you are rich in your own micro-tiny-puny-little way. smile ;)
Seriously though, researching places has sort of become a guilty pleasure of mine, a hard habit to break. Though as much as I'd like to break of this addiction, I can't, not especially when I have these two sites bookmarked as my faves..
the lonely planet
pinoyexchange's travel and leisure forum
Haaaay life... too many dreams... triple the costs! but like I always say, by the power of positive thinking... I too shall someday put to good use my researched infos. Crossing my fingers...