What was supposed to be the first ever family trip, turned out to be yet another travel bonding moment with my sisterette and our cousin Ruthie, who by the way is sooo full of sunshine (we wish!).
Thus on November something-ish, 2011, we journeyed to the land our mother dearest forever dreamed of - Palawan. Knowing how mother nature-y our mom is and how she hates overrated crowded places, I certainly can understand why she dreams of it. Now that I've experienced it firsthand, I can't wait to bring her there, my dad included (for the financial support haha).
But going to Palawan doesn't really need a lot of moolah. It's not that we have a lot of moolah to bring anyway, coz we certainly don't, but it's a pretty affordable place to vacation on. And trust me, in this land of abundant greens and blues, you wouldn't be interested in holing up at some cold dry concrete hotels, because honey, you'll be missing half the authentic Palawan experience.
So stay @
the cool place where cool people stays.
Yes, I proclaim our coolness with all exclamation(!!!). haha. My sister was the one who discovered this on the net, and I have to give her credit coz she usually finds the coolest budget places to sleep on our travels. Moving on away from the compliments, Banwa Pension has been published in the Lonely Planet guide books as well as on several travel sites, so it has been quite known among the backpacking world. So it's not difficult to imagine that in the country of Filipinos we were the only Filipinos booking there. DUDE! In that place, we were so foreign! haha.
I cannot explain how cool the aesthetics of this place is nor how friendly their staff are, but I can tell you that if it is Filipino artistry you want, and only simply needs the basics of bath and bed, then this is the go to sleep.
Then eat @
Go barefoot in the delight of their sumptuous meals. The food is good but it's the place that's gonna make you keep on coming back. I am so in love with the shiny hardwood floors, the squatting , the paintings, the lighting, the art... GO EAT!!!!!! the experience.
Explore @
See Louis Vuitton, Hermes and etc. at its fine breathing rawness. This was probably the only chance of me getting close to those brands. The breeding ground of the Crocs before they become someone else's handbags and step-ons. Pity those Crocs, if they only could choose their fates then I guess they'd be more than content at just opening their mouths for the flies to land on. Oh well, at least you guys don't come cheap.
Also, walk in the woods of the conservation center and get the chance to meet these birdies. I forgot their names but I'm pretty sure they're endangered. All the more reason for it to be a must walk. A tip for these walks though, put lotsa OFF lotion coz the mosquitos can be deadly. Other than that, the wild animals are tame. Or so I think.
Recharge @
Baker's Hill an interesting food park situated in the hilly spots of Puerto Princessa. An assortment of playthings, statues and food. Don't have much else to say but we were there for the hopia that my sister has been dying to try since. However it was their crinkles that was heavenly. Soft chewy choco crinkles.... yum!!!!

They have peacocks too. The peacock cock cock, the peacock! Or as Askal sang it in her vid. Such fine elegant birds.
What could possibly be more authentic than eating Palawan's local delicacy. Tamilok. You get your choice of breaded or raw Tamilok. Be bold and choose the raw, then you get that long raw gray slimy dish. It looks like worm because it is a worm. A woodworm. A mangrove worm. How it tastes like is an oyster. A long slimy choking oyster. Do we like it? uhmmm....
Once was probably enough... hahahaha.
Interesting tidbit!
Palawan's cleanliness can be compared to that of Singapore's as well as their strict implementation of laws. Seriously, I haven't seen a trash left on the roadside. Must be because any resident can arrest and fine you with littering, and that ordinance is well disseminated, as evidenced in the posters and stickers of their trikes and etc.
So how much did we spend in Puerto P?
Banwa Pension (3pax) - P 1,070.00
Tricycle City Tour (with a bit of charming/ haggling) - P 550.00
Croco Farm Entrance - P 40.00
Lunch at Ka Lui (3pax) - P 450.00
Kinabuchi (3pax) - P 850.00
Tricycle rides - P10.00
The 5 hour journey to El Nido... up next...
ok one subo of the tamilok is enough. hahahahaha...